Energy Forecasts

Trade energy with a look beyond the traditional forecasting horizon

Transform weather volatility into trading opportunities. Gain the competitive edge in energy trading with our AI-powered weeks-ahead forecasts.

Built for trading desks
Use our forecasts to unlock predictive power in energy markets and anticipate future volumes and price-shifts
Create data-backed trading strategies to manage risk and stay ahead of the markets
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We'd love to show you how we accurately forecast the weather on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales, enhanced with explainable AI and climate expertise.

Tell us about yourself and you'll be able to schedule a meeting straight away.

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy.

Weather is the primary driver of price volatility in ernergy markets.

At the same time, weather volatility is increasing

Strengthen your climate resilience with AI

Our Energy Forecasts deliver unprecedented actionable insights into temperature, wind, solar and precipitation - crucial variables that drive energy markets. Move beyond traditional forecasts and position your trading strategy with confidence.

About our energy forecasts :

Temporal Aggregation:

Weekly & monthly

Update Frequency:

Daily updates

Variables Covered:

Temperature, wind, solar, precipitation, weather regimes

Lead Time:

1 to 4 weeks ahead, 1 to 3 months ahead

Data Format:

Gridded forecasts for variables +

probabilities for weather regimes

Experience the potential of our Energy Forecasts firsthand with a demo tailored to your specific trading needs.

Schedule a demo

Book a demo

We'd love to show you how we accurately forecast the weather on sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales, enhanced with explainable AI and climate expertise.

Tell us about yourself and you'll be able to schedule a meeting straight away.

By submitting this form you agree to our privacy policy.

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